Agricultural Waste

    Agricultural wastes include agricultural straws, livestock and poultry manure, leftover vegetable waste and dead animals. 

    The annual production of waste from livestock and poultry in China is about 3.8 billion tons, and the comprehensive utilization rate is less than 60%. Besides, the domestic number of dead pigs is 60 million per year; the annual output of straw is 900 million tons, and the comprehensive utilization rate is less than 40%. This disorder disposal of agricultural waste has already seriously impacted on the urban and rural ecological environment.

    The agricultural waste to biogas technology launched by Fairyland can truly realize the resource and harmless disposal of such wastes, transforming waste into biogas and bio-organic fertilizer through the high-efficient degradation by the proprietary bacterium, which truly realizes the ecological recycle.

Atlas of equipment

  • 水解酸化系统

  • 厌氧发酵系统

  • 沼气处理利用系统

  • 沼液沼渣分离系统